Our services.

Holistic planning

Take control of your financial future today by partnering with us to develop a tailored financial plan. Our holistic approach addresses all critical aspects of financial well-being, ensuring that every element of your financial life is set up for success.

We start with cash flow planning and conduct a thorough analysis to optimize spending and ensure financial stability. Our detailed risk assessment will align your investments with your risk tolerance and financial goals, providing peace of mind and strategic direction.

Unexpected events can be cushioned through insurance planning services, safeguarding your family's future with security and long-term stability. We also offer expert tax planning to help you reduce tax liabilities and maximize your savings.

Our investment planning services aim to create a personalized portfolio that matches your financial goals. We have retirement planning strategies focused on building a solid retirement fund, allowing you to enjoy a comfortable and secure retirement.

For families, we provide education planning to help you effectively save for your children's future education needs. Our estate planning services also ensure that your legacy is thoughtfully preserved and passed on to future generations.

Embark on your journey to financial security and success by focusing on these critical aspects of a comprehensive financial plan. Get in touch with us today to start working towards your financial goals.

Investment management

We adhere to a long-term, well-diversified, and low-cost investment strategy designed to elevate your financial future. Our focus on long-term wealth building leverages the power of compounding, helping you achieve substantial growth over time.

Our tax-efficient strategies may include tax-loss harvesting, Roth conversions, 3 tax bucket strategies (Tax Now, Tax Later, Tax-Free), and others, ensuring your investments grow with minimal tax liabilities. For those seeking to align their investments with their ethical and Christian values, we offer faith-based investing, selecting companies that adhere to specific moral and ethical standards.

Project-based financial planning

We offer comprehensive project-based financial planning services to address specific financial concerns or issues through a limited-scope, one-time engagement. We aim to provide focused, actionable advice tailored to your unique needs.

Financial Planning Topics:

1. Cash Flow and Debt Management: We analyze your income and expenses to identify any surplus or deficit and provide strategies for surplus utilization or expense reduction. Additionally, we offer advice on debt repayment prioritization based on interest rates and tax implications, along with recommendations for maintaining suitable emergency cash reserves and savings strategies.

2. Tax Planning Strategies: We provide strategies for minimizing current and future income taxes, including recommendations for tax-efficient accounts and investments while considering potential future changes to tax laws and rates.

3. Risk Management: We analyze your exposure to significant risks such as premature death, disability, property losses, or the need for long-term care to advise minimizing these risks. We also consider the costs and benefits of purchasing insurance versus self-insuring.

4. Insurance: We review existing insurance policies to ensure proper coverage for life, health, disability, long-term care, liability, home, and automobile.

5. Employee Benefits Optimization: We review and analyze your employee benefits to guarantee that you take maximum advantage of them.

6. College Savings: We project the amount needed for college or post-secondary education funding and advise on savings strategies to ensure you meet your goals. We also conduct financial aid eligibility assessments and recommend optimal contribution methods for children and grandchildren.

7. Estate Planning: We assess your exposure to estate risks and your current estate plan to identify areas for improvement. We recommend minimizing future estate taxes through applicable trusts and advise consulting with a qualified attorney. Contact information for estate planning specialists is available upon request.

8. Financial Goals: We help identify and develop a plan to achieve your financial goals, outlining the resources needed, the timeframe, and the budget required to reach your objectives.

9. Retirement Planning: We project the likelihood of achieving your financial goals by focusing on economic independence. Additionally, we offer advice on distribution strategies for those nearing or in retirement to minimize the risk of running out of money or adversely altering spending.

10. Investment Analysis: We develop asset allocation strategies based on your financial goals and risk tolerance, provide information on investment vehicles, and assist in establishing investment accounts.